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In pursuit of total mastery of self, so I like to read selfhelp books..

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Encouraging Week !!

What's up people! I'm feeling amazing because this past week I've committed myself to happiness and contentment. My close friends know that I'm out of work which is enough to cause anyone dispair. What with all the bills that need to be paid and so fourth. However, it is this desperation that has led me to where I am today feeling blessed and lucky. I've ditched bad habits like smoking and snuff..."yeah snuff"..believe me. The beach is reasonably close so I've taken to cycling there every morning for a bit of a swim and exercise. I now see that It's small positive changes in lifestyle that ultimately build ones self esteem and worth.

In other news, I re-activated my twitter account only to discover what i've been missing. Twitter rocks!! I actually have celebrity 'friends'. Aint' that something! Infact I have an exclusive link to Tyrese new video 'STAY' and it's amazing and inspiring. Inspiring because as you may be aware I am compiling my own album. Right now I'm on my 4th song and since Tyrese's Album will be in stores on Nov 1st, It would be brilliant if finished mine at the same time. Mine will not be instores anyway, It will be on the Streets..

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