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In pursuit of total mastery of self, so I like to read selfhelp books..

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Increase Confidence Through Proactivity

When you are proactive you become more confident. For people who are seeking develop their self esteem, this is one of the things that they can do. As the name suggests being proactive means that you're not procrastinating what you are supposed to do. A big percentage of people have the vice of not doing important things on time and instead keeping it for another day.

I find the idea of rewarding yourself after accomplishing a task to be very good as it encourages you to be proactive.It's an incentive that helps you to become more productive and also feel good about yourself as well. Try it every time you have a task to accomplish. Begin with the mundane of tasks to the most difficult. For example treat yourself with a cup of tea after dong your laundry or to some lounge music after a long day at work. It's guaranteed that you will find yourself growing in confidence. In time accomplishing goals will be an easy thing. This is what sets great people apart from their peers.

Needless to say proactive people benefit in more ways than just building a higher self esteem. They are viewed as responsible individuals and therefore win the trust of others especially in a work environment. Such a person has great opportunities consistently knocking at their door both at work and play because they can be entrusted with important tasks. You owe it to yourself to be proactive because now you know that the rewards are countless.

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